The Animal Science Colombian Journal - RECIA (Revista Colombiana de Ciencia Animal), is a scientific International electronic Journal, that publishes articles in the areas of Animal Science, especially in the areas of Veterinary Medicine, Zootechnics, Biology, Wild Fauna, Ecology, and other topics of general interest. The Journal provides a nimble and quick way to publish original and unpublished articles, bibliographic reviews, and studies of cases, prepared by scientific investigators of national and international level. The articles shall be examined by a scientific committee and anonymous evaluators (double-blind) and are published twice a year in a continuous way in PDF, XML and Epub formats (the video material, the animation sequences and 3D are also accepted to back up and improve the articles). Articles in Spanish, English and Portuguese are accepted. The Journal is a free-access, non-profit publication, funded by Universidad de Sucre, Colombia, which publishes it continuously since 2009.
Short title: Rev Colombiana Cienc Anim. Recia
Electronic ISSN: 2027-4297 (Online)
DOI Revista: https://doi.org/10.24188/recia
Current Issue | Vol. 16 No. 2 (2024): RECIA 16(2):JULIO-DICIEMBRE 2024
Casos Clínicos
Follicular cysts in Holstein cow, Nicaragua
Quistes foliculares en vaca Holstein, Nicaragua
Summary views 712 | PDF views 353 | pp. e1024