Effects of soil compaction by trampling of animals in soil productivity. Remediations
Efectos de la compactacion de suelos por el pisoteo de animales, en la productividad de los suelos. Remediaciones
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Among the problems of physical degradation, compaction and densification are the main ones, and they cause strong decreases in subsequent crop yields thereof. The degradation of soil structure is a worldwide problem that can occur in all soils and livestock production levels. Given the above, this paper aims to analyze the main changes in the internal structure of the soil as a result of compaction by trampling of animals. Soil compaction due to the collapse or decrease in pore spaces, is the most common cause of physical restraint to growth and root development. As an aggravating factor, degradation of soil structure is regarded as the type of land degradation more difficult to locate and retrain; the reason is that this degradation is a subsurface phenomenon. Finally it is to establish some possible solutions to this problem, including the main method of restoring the porosity of the boundary layers of root growth is to apply biological methods as used, for example, the roots of natural vegetation or crops coverage, planted to act as biological subsoilers that penetrate dense horizons.
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Referencias / Ver
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